

A PDF processor written in Go.

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Set Permissions

The PDF specification defines a set of permissions that may be set for encrypted documents. Permissions go into effect anytime an encrypted document is opened with the user password. Providing the owner password which is also known as the set permissions password or master password will give full access to the document.

You can set either none, all or permissions for print. You can also set your permission bits in binary or hex mode.

Have a look at some examples.


pdfcpu permissions set [-perm n(one)|p(rint)|a(ll)|max4Hex|max12Bits] [-upw userpw] -opw ownerpw inFile


name description required default
perm permission bits no none
upw user password if set  
opw owner password yes  

Common Flags

name description values
v(erbose) turn on logging  
vv verbose logging  
q(uiet) quiet mode  
-o(ffline) disable http traffic  
c(onf) config dir $path, disable
opw owner password  
upw user password  
u(nit) display unit po(ints),in(ches),cm,mm


name description required
inFile PDF input file yes


You have to provide any non empty password in order to change permissions:

$ pdfcpu encrypt -opw opw enc.pdf
writing enc.pdf ...

$ pdfcpu perm list enc.pdf
permission bits: 000000000000 (x000)
Bit  3: false (print(rev2), print quality(rev>=3))
Bit  4: false (modify other than controlled by bits 6,9,11)
Bit  5: false (extract(rev2), extract other than controlled by bit 10(rev>=3))
Bit  6: false (add or modify annotations)
Bit  9: false (fill in form fields(rev>=3)
Bit 10: false (extract(rev>=3))
Bit 11: false (modify(rev>=3))
Bit 12: false (print high-level(rev>=3))

pdfcpu perm set -perm all enc.pdf
pdfcpu: please provide the owner password with -opw

$ pdfcpu perm set -opw opw -perm all enc.pdf
adding permissions to enc.pdf ...
writing enc.pdf ...

$ pdfcpu perm list enc.pdf
permission bits: 111100111100 (xF3C)
Bit  3: true (print(rev2), print quality(rev>=3))
Bit  4: true (modify other than controlled by bits 6,9,11)
Bit  5: true (extract(rev2), extract other than controlled by bit 10(rev>=3))
Bit  6: true (add or modify annotations)
Bit  9: true (fill in form fields(rev>=3)
Bit 10: true (extract(rev>=3))
Bit 11: true (modify(rev>=3))
Bit 12: true (print high-level(rev>=3))