

A PDF processor written in Go.

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Multifill form via JSON or CSV

This command fills form fields with data via JSON or CSV.

The workflow is similar to simple form filling except here we import a collection of form instances and generate one PDF for each.

Optionally this command can merge the output PDFs together.

Have a look at some examples.


pdfcpu form multifill [-m(ode) single|merge] inFile inFileData outDir [outName]


name description required values
m(ode) output mode (defaults to single) no single, merge

Common Flags

name description values
v(erbose) turn on logging  
vv verbose logging  
q(uiet) quiet mode  
u(nit) display unit po(ints),in(ches),cm,mm
c(onf) config dir $path, disable
upw user password  
opw owner password  


name description required
inFile PDF input file containing form yes
inFileData JSON/CSV input file with form data yes
outDir output directory yes
outName output file name no


Multifill via JSON

You can generate your JSON for bulk form fills in different ways. The workflow steps are:

  1. Export your form into JSON:
    $ pdfcpu form export
  2. Remove all fields which shall remain untouched.

  3. Copy & paste the form element within the forms array.

  4. Edit value (or values where appropriate) for all fields in all form instances.

  5. In addition to modifying value(s) you may change the locked status for fields.

  6. To trigger form filling run:
    $ pdfcpu form multifill in.pdf in.json outDir
  7. If you are only interested in a single output file run:
    $ pdfcpu form multifill -m merge in.pdf in.json outDir

Multifill via CSV

Here the basic idea is to represent a form instance with a single CSV line in your input data file. Compared to the JSON way this will reduce the input file size dramatically but it has its limitations when it comes to expressiveness.

firstName lastName dob gender city country
Jane Doe 06.01.2000 *female San Francisco USA
Joe Miller 30.07.2001 *male São Paulo Brazil
Jackie Carson 29.11.1965 *non-binary Vienna Austria

The workflow steps are:

  1. Export your form into JSON:
    $ pdfcpu form export
  2. Generate a CSV file based on the JSON file you just created and individual form data. Values prefixed with * will be locked. Each column represents a form field identified in the header line by field id:

  3. To trigger form filling run:
    $ pdfcpu form multifill in.pdf in.csv outDir
  4. If you are only interested in a single output file run:
    $ pdfcpu form multifill -m merge in.pdf in.csv outDir