

A PDF processor written in Go.

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Set Viewer Preferences

This command configures how a PDF is displayed on the screen and shall be printed.

Define whether you want to display a toolbar, a menubar or if you want your document to be centered among others.

Define a default print page range, your paper handling options and other parameters for printing.

Have a look at some examples.


pdfcpu viewerpref set inFile (inFileJSON | JSONstring)

Common Flags

name description values
v(erbose) turn on logging  
vv verbose logging  
q(uiet) quiet mode  
u(nit) display unit po(ints),in(ches),cm,mm
c(onf) config dir $path, disable
upw user password  
opw owner password  


name description required
inFile PDF input file yes
inFileJSON JSON input file or yes
JSONstring JSON string containing viewing preferences yes

Preference Parameters

name description default
HideToolbar Hide tool bars when the document is active false
HideMenubar Hide the menu bar when the document is active false
HideWindowUI Hide user interface elements in the document’s window false
FitWindow Resize the document’s window to fit the size of the first displayed page false
CenterWindow Position the document’s window in the centre of the screen false
DisplayDocTitle Display the document title false
NonFullScreenPageMode How to display the document on exiting full-screen mode UseNone
Direction The predominant logical content order for text L2R
ViewArea Viewing Page boundary for screen CropBox
ViewClip Clipping page boundary for screen CropBox
PrintArea Rendering Page boundary for printing CropBox
PrintClip Clipping page boundary for printing CropBox
Duplex Paper handling option -
PickTrayByPDFSize Whether the PDF page size shall be used to select the input paper tray -
PrintPageRange The page numbers used to initialize the print dialogue box when the file is printed (since PDF 1.7). The array shall contain an even number of integers to be interpreted in pairs, with each pair specifying the first and last pages in a sub-range of pages to be printed. The first page of the PDF file shall be denoted by 1. -
NumCopies The number of copies that shall be printed when the print dialog is opened for this file (since PDF 1.7). -
Enforce Array of names of Viewer preference settings that shall be enforced by PDF processors and that shall not be overridden by subsequent selections in the application user interface (since PDF 2.0) - possible value: PrintScaling -


value description
true The window’s title bar should display the document title taken from the dc:title element of the XMP metadata stream
false The title bar should display the name of the PDF file containing the document


value description
UseNone Neither document outline nor thumbnail images visible (=default)
UseOutlines Document outline visible
UseThumbs Thumbnail images visible
UseOC Optional content group panel visible


value description
L2R Left to right
R2L Right to left (including vertical writing systems, such as Chinese, Japanese, and Korean)

View/Print Area/Clip

Since PDF 1.4, deprecated as of PDF 2.0

Values: The PDF page boundaries (boxes)

parameter description
ViewArea The name of the page boundary representing the area of a page that shall be displayed when viewing the document on the screen.
ViewClip The name of the page boundary to which the contents of a page shall be clipped when viewing the document on the screen.
PrintArea The name of the page boundary representing the area of a page that shall be rendered when printing the document.
PrintClip The name of the page boundary to which the contents of a page shall be clipped when printing the document.


The paper handling option that shall be used when printing the file from the print dialogue (since PDF 1.7)

value description
Simplex Print single-sided
DuplexFlipShortEdge Duplex and flip on the short edge of the sheet
DuplexFlipLongEdge Duplex and flip on the long edge of the sheet


Generally the viewer preferences are set via JSON.

Eg. Set viewer preferences via JSON string (case agnostic):

$ pdfcpu viewerpref set test.pdf "{\"HideMenuBar\": true, \"CenterWindow\": true}"

Set printer preferences (which are part of the viewer preferences) via JSON string (case agnostic):

$ pdfcpu viewerpref set test.pdf "{\"duplex\": \"duplexFlipShortEdge\", \"printPageRange\": [1, 4, 10, 12], \"NumCopies\": 3}"

Set viewer preferences via JSON file:

$ cat viewerpref.json
    "viewerPreferences": {
        "HideToolBar": true,
        "HideMenuBar": false,
        "HideWindowUI": false,
        "FitWindow": true,
        "CenterWindow": true,
        "DisplayDocTitle": true,
        "NonFullScreenPageMode": "UseThumbs",
        "Direction": "R2L",
        "Duplex": "Simplex",
        "PickTrayByPDFSize": false,
        "PrintPageRange": [
            1, 4,
            10, 20
        "NumCopies": 3,
        "Enforce": [

$ pdfcpu viewerpref set test.pdf viewerpref.json