

A PDF processor written in Go.

View the Project on GitHub pdfcpu/pdfcpu


Config Dir

Generally pdfcpu does not have to be configured.

Yet it uses a configuration directory for user font management and storing the default configuration in effect.

pdfcpu will create this dir at the default user’s config directory on execution of the first command.

You can look up its location either like so:

$ pdfcpu version
pdfcpu: v0.8.0 dev
commit: 38b29927 (2024-04-24T21:08:47Z)
base  : go1.22.0
config: /Users/horstrutter/Library/Application Support/pdfcpu/config.yml

or you can do the following which will print out both the config file path and its content. This file holds carefully selected default values for various aspects of pdfcpu’s operations:

$ pdfcpu config
# pdfcpu v0.8.0 dev         #
# Created: 2024-04-25 00:16 #
#   Default configuration   #

# toggle for inFilename extension check (.pdf)
checkFileNameExt: true

reader15: true

decodeAllStreams: false

# validationMode:
# ValidationStrict,
# ValidationRelaxed,
validationMode: ValidationRelaxed

# validate cross reference table right before writing.
postProcessValidate: true

# eol for writing:
# EolLF
# EolCR
eol: EolLF

writeObjectStream: true
writeXRefStream: true
encryptUsingAES: true

# encryptKeyLength: max 256
encryptKeyLength: 256

# permissions for encrypted files:
# 0xF0C3 (PermissionsNone)
# 0xF8C7 (PermissionsPrint)
# 0xFFFF (PermissionsAll)
# See more at model.PermissionFlags and PDF spec table 22
permissions: 0xF0C3

# displayUnit:
# points
# inches
# cm
# mm
unit: points

# timestamp format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm
# Switch month and year by using: 2006-02-01 15:04
# See more at https://pkg.go.dev/[email protected]#pkg-constants
timestampFormat: 2006-01-02 15:04

# date format: yyyy-mm-dd
dateFormat: 2006-01-02

# toggle optimization
optimize: true

# optimize page resources via content stream analysis.
optimizeResourceDicts: true

# optimize duplicate content streams across pages.
optimizeDuplicateContentStreams: false

# merge creates bookmarks.
createBookmarks: true

# Viewer is expected to supply appearance streams for form fields.
needAppearances: false

User fonts are installed using the font install command.

pdfcpu also stores internal representations of installed user fonts in the config dir.

$ tree
├── config.yml
└── fonts
    ├── Roboto-Regular.gob
    ├── STSong.gob
    ├── STSongti-SC-Black.gob
    ├── STSongti-SC-Bold.gob
    ├── STSongti-SC-Light.gob
    ├── STSongti-SC-Regular.gob
    ├── STSongti-TC-Bold.gob
    ├── STSongti-TC-Light.gob
    ├── STSongti-TC-Regular.gob
    ├── SimSun.gob
    ├── Unifont-JPMedium.gob
    ├── UnifontMedium.gob
    └── UnifontUpperMedium.gob

Use the -conf flag to set a custom config dir path.

You can also use this flag to disable the usage of a config dir.

This comes in handy in (serverless) environments where the default user’s config directory is not defined - as long as you are not using user fonts.